Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Info- graphic portion will be hand sketched, pointing out specific parts and materials and relaying the information through animation.  


  1. Good topic to use design to bring change. I suggest you research work has been done with this subject and see what works what not. Where others failed maybe where your project will succeed. You may also make a list of reasons for littering, list known ways of modeling behavior (force, incentive, image, self worthy etc...).

  2. I really like your premise. Are you going to be making Andy Goldsworthy type art out of discarded trash? I think this could be pretty impressive.

  3. Good idea, I just feel the only people able to view the work are students, and not particularly the types of people who would discard trash and not think twice about it. If there was some way to make your message accessible by more people, a video will be watched, but only by people who choose to watch it. Maybe construct posters or stickers to be placed at bus stops, or train stations, but i guess that runs the risk of becoming discarded as well and may defeat your goal.

  4. I'm excited to see how this project comes together, I think the process of making a sculpture of trash will be interesting.

  5. Really interested to see how this turns out. I hope you use the line "pick up your ____" or whatever we discussed in class. Are you creating a pamphlet after your done? I feel like for the final product it might be nice to have something in the gallery as well as your video.

  6. I like the idea of using trash as art. It has the potential to say a lot. The items which has been used and thrown away and even the place in which it came from is important. It is also an interesting idea as for who is to blame for the trash or litter. I will be interested to see the process of this project through the video. Coool!

  7. Really interesting project idea. It seems like it might be challenging to get enough source materials (like gum) to make a sculpture but it would make a definite statement on the amount of litter we are comfortable overlooking in our society every day.

  8. Your concept has baller status Michael. You should post the video online and couple it with the brochure images for those who don't get to see the film. It might also be cool if you decided to design the front and back of a dvd case for the film (which would totally include info about your project) instead of a brochure? Might be more advantageous.

  9. I like your concept a lot. I think the photos will be the most important part of your finished product. Like I said before, I think you should focus on a specific typeface for each piece that you do.

  10. I'm really interested to see what you do with the animation part of your film. I think it could really make or break the way your concept is received.

  11. this is a great idea. good job, can't wait to see the final animation.

  12. This is a pretty excellent idea, I'm very interested in seeing the final animation and sculpture. The idea of reusing discarded materials is usually interesting and definitely a solid way to point out the amount of waste we produce.

  13. This concept is very powerful and has a lot of meaning behind it. I would make sure that the information is shown somewhere directly in front of the viewer and not in the background where you would have to struggle to look for this useful information.
